Thursday, September 29, 2005

Time for Livingston to choose

The Livingston by-election is not just about electing a local MP, as important as that is.

Tomorrow, 29th September, the eyes of the country will be on Livingston. Our area has a unique chance to send a message to Tony Blair, to say that we will not be taken for granted.

The SNP's local support is at an 18 year low. No one seriously believes they can win.

The real question is who will triumph between the local Liberal Democrat Charles Dundas and Tony Blair's Labour candidate Jim Devine.

Charles Dundas has been making all the running with an energetic campaign.

More and more people are saying they are backing Charles to win. Tomorrow, on polling day, there is a real chance that could happen.

Livingston Lib Dems

End this one party state

Speaking on the eve of the Westminster by-election in Livingston, Gordon Lindhurst said:

"We have been living in a one party state here for too long. Labour have had their chance, in Westminster, Holyrood and in local government. They have failed. We must look to the future, not to the past.

"Local issues of real concern have not been addressed. There are real worries in our community that Labour and the Lib Dems will remove more vital services from St John’s and force people to go to Edinburgh. The issue of bail can not be dealt with effectively by the Scottish Executive as the Human Rights Act is a Westminster issue.

"If elected, I will take on these issues and more so I can fight to get a better deal for everyone in this constituency."

Livingston Conservatives

Voters can give Blair the shove

SNP Leader Alex Salmond MP has called on the voters of Livingston and Cathcart to use their vote tomorrow to make a difference for Scotland.
Campaigning in both constituencies today, Mr Salmond has urged the electorate to send a powerful message to Tony Blair that 'he has overstayed his welcome'.

Commenting Mr Salmond said:

Tony Blair wants to go on and on, but for Scotland he has long overstayed his welcome. These by-elections give the voters of Livingston and Cathcart the chance to wipe the smile off Tony Blair's face and ensure he wakes up on Friday morning with a huge electoral hangover.

On Thursday people can give Blair the shove and stand up for Scotland and the future of local services by voting for the SNP. It is time for a change. Labour have been a huge let down. Only the SNP can beat Labour in Livingston and Cathcart. Only the SNP will make a difference.

SNP press release

Vote for the Party of Action

Scottish Socialist Party candidates in both Scottish by elections will spend the last campaigning day before polling day taking the message of the SSP as the party of action to the electorate.

While other parties shadow box on the council tax the SSP has acted and has a bill in the Holyrood parliament to abolish the hated tax and replace it with an income based Scottish Service tax which would shift the cost of services to the better off.
A major campaign is also continuing to win free school meals for Scotland’s school students and a bill to abolish NHS prescription charges has been laid before the parliament by Colin Fox, SSP national convenor.

Independent MSP Campbell Martin has called for a vote for the SSP in both the Westminster by election in Livingston and the Cathcart Scottish Parliament seat, saying that the last thing the electorate needs is another New Labour party, a reference to the SNP’s further moves to the right.

Speaking at a press conference in Glasgow on Tuesday, Campbell Martin said;
“Based on the outcome of last week's SNP conference and that party's continued move to the right it is now clear that the best candidates for people in Cathcart and Livingston are Ronnie Stevenson and Steven Nimmo of the Scottish Socialist Party.
“They are the only people putting forward policies in these two elections which are in the best interests of working people in Scotland.
“It is not in the interests of voters in Cathcart and Livingston to have another New Labour candidate which is what the SNP has become.”

Colin Fox, SSP national convenor, said;
“The Scottish Socialist Party is the party of action in Scottish politics.
“While the SNP and Lib Dems pay lip service to abolishing the council tax and NHS prescription charges, the SSP has delivered bills in the Scottish Parliament that will turn these promises into reality.
“The SSP appeals to all those who support the socialist principles we fight for every day of the week to come out and support us at the polls.”

Scottish Socialist Party

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Candidates play it safe in Livingston

IN THE land of the roundabout, the man who goes round and round in circles is king. Such a man is Jim Devine, the Labour candidate seeking to fill the small shoes left by a political big man, Robin Cook.

Livingston is infested by roundabouts and talking to Mr Devine, a union official with Unison, is like getting lost in this now not-so-new new town. You go round and round but don't get anywhere. Ask for his views on using the private sector in the health service, something that Tony Blair favours, and Mr Devine is controversially non-committal: "I am just concentrating on the by-election."

His views on the Brown/Blair leadership battle? "I am just concentrating on the by-election."

This is play-it-safe electioneering, straight out of the Labour Party's big book of by-elections.

Mr Devine has not been wrapped in cotton wool by his party. He is free to speak to journalists without a press officer at his shoulder. There is no need. He has the non-committal script off by heart.

On a campaign visit to West Lothian College, the audience, mainly young students just out of school, seemed not to notice, and Mr Devine, a local lad from Blackburn, performed well. He offered his hands to the beauty therapy class for a manicure, laughed off being addressed as Sidney and pretended not to hear a "vote SNP" heckle from some likely lads in the canteen.

Wherever he goes, he says, the reception has been warm.

"Everywhere I go, people talk about Robin and the work he did for them," he says. As the late MP's election agent, he knows the area like the back of his unmanicured hand.

He says the issues are the bread-and-butter ones - health, education, jobs. And, whatever you do, don't mention the war (in Iraq). He did once, and didn't get away with it, provoking nationalist incredulity by saying it wasn't crucial. However, it is not, he maintains, an issue on the doorsteps.

And he is probably right. All the parties in this two-horse race between Labour and the Scottish National Party are keeping it local, even though issues such as health, crime and education are matters for Holyrood, and not Westminster.

The Scottish new towns have, in the past, been fertile grounds for the SNP. Angela Constance, the nationalist candidate, hopes they will be so again. A local lass herself - she also hails from Blackburn - she thinks the tide is turning against Tony Blair.

As polished a candidate as Mr Devine, Ms Constance has the party line off pat, showing that, though it may deny it, the SNP has learned all about being "on message" from New Labour.

Her pitch is simple: Blair lied to the country over Iraq, so how can he be trusted on the domestic agenda which, for her, includes a vociferous campaign on St John's Hospital losing its A&E department.

Careful to pay tribute to Mr Cook, she says the people of Livingston want a "fresh start". Voters want someone who is not a member of the "chattering classes" in Edinburgh, a group she blames for moving hospital services to the capital's new Royal Infirmary.

"People should never underestimate the power of the ballot box. Asking people to vote for the SNP sends a strong message that people are not going to tolerate the removal of services at St John's," she says.

The "save St John's" theme has been taken up by the Tories' Gordon Lyndhurst and Charles Dundas for the Liberal Democrats, but they are mere by- election bystanders.

This is an election that Labour desperately does not want to lose and the SNP, under its new leadership of Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, desperately need to win to put them on course to win 20 seats at Holyrood, their 2007 target.

If Labour gets its core vote out in a seat that Mr Cook held with a majority of more than 13,000 at the general election, it will signal that it is the nationalists, not Labour, who are stuck going nowhere on the political roundabout.

Labour guilty of anti-social behaviour

A BY-ELECTION walkabout by the Liberal Democrat leader, Charles Kennedy, was sabotaged by Labour activists yesterday.

Making his second visit to the Livingston by-election campaign, Mr Kennedy had planned a walkabout in the main street of the village of West Calder. But when he arrived in the village with a small band of aides, they were immediately surrounded by activists brandishing Labour placards.

They followed Mr Kennedy wherever he went, ruining potential photo opportunities and eventually forcing the Liberal Democrat leader to concede defeat, get into a people carrier, and regroup in the nearby village of Fauldhouse for a walkabout there instead.

Mr Kennedy took the setback philosophically, telling reporters: "The fact that Labour is seeking to doorstep me, as it were, when I'm going about my lawful business, tells you all you need to know."

Labour will defend a majority of more than 13,000 when voters go to the polls tomorrow.

Later, Mr Kennedy made his second visit to the Holyrood by-election for Glasgow Cathcart, where Labour is defending a majority of just over 5,000.

In the May General Election, the Lib Dems performed poorly in Livingston, coming third behind the Scottish National Party, with 15 per cent of the vote. Mr Kennedy insisted, however, that the by-election battle was now a two-horse race between his party and Labour.

"It is quite clear from the defending party where they think the challenge is coming from - it's coming from Charles [Dundas, the Lib Dem candidate] and it's coming from the Lib Dems," he said.

SNP challenges Devine to attend final hustings

SNP candidate for the Livingston by-election, Angela Constance, has today challenged Labour candidate Jim Devine to show his face at the final hustings of the Livingston by-election this evening, following reports that he will not be attending.
Mr Devine sent the local Labour MSP in his place at the previous hustings meeting, following a poor performance at the first hustings.

Commenting Ms Constance said:

It is time Jim Devine came out of hiding and faced the difficult questions about threats to public services and the loss of trust in Labour and Tony Blair. After a series of gaffes, Mr Devine has been avoiding the press and their questions, but surely he can't expect to avoid the people of Livingston as well?

He has already missed one of the hustings after clashing with angry voters at the first meeting. Ever since, he has been doing his best to run away from the detailed scrutiny the people of this constituency expect.

Local voters have every right to ask, if this is what he is like as an absent candidate, what on earth would he be like as local MP? The last thing Livingston needs is an MP who is running scared of questions and debate.

SNP press release

Labour Blame Wind for Delay Over Posters

The Labour Party have apparently claimed the wind as the reason they have yet to comply with the order to take down their oversized posters in Livingston. While speaking to the Lighting Officer on the council Rory Cameron he said that this is the reason they are having difficulties complying with the deadline set.

Full report here

Labour to be Cut Down to Size

Following a formal complaint the Labour Party has been ordered to remove thousands of posters they have put up during the Livingston By-election. It was spotted that the Labour Party posters were twice the size of the permitted maximum.

Today, following a written complaint the West Lothian Council reacted swiftly and have ordered the Labour Party Campaign manager to comply with the regulation or face action. West Lothian Councils said:

"We have received a complaint and as a result we have ordered the Labour Party to comply with our regulations which were clearly stated before the election began. We have therefore ordered them to remove all oversize posters by the end of Tuesday."

It's Dundas or Devine

With just days left until Livingston elects its new local MP, the race could be set for a close finish between local Liberal Democrat Charles and Labour's Jim Devine.

The SNP are now considered out of the race. At May's General Election, the Nationalists polled their worst share of the vote in Livingston for 18 years. Nobody seriously believes they can win.

The only candidate challenging Labour is local man Charles Dundas. Even Labour deputy council leader Willie Dunn has admitted the contest is close between Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Charles Dundas has run a positive and energetic campaign. His strong campaign to protect St. John's hospital and local health services is thought to have struck a chord with local people.

Charles Dundas' campaign has been in stark contrast to Labour's which has offered little to the people of Livingston.

Some have described Jim Devine as an old style union boss and someone who will be unable to effectively represent local communities.

One thing is certain. Every vote will count on 29th September. Pundits are now suggesting that only a handful of votes could separate the candidates.

Livingston Lib Dems

Jim Devine launches broadside

Labour's Jim Devine today launched an attack on Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy. The assault came after Kennedy failed to apologise to West Lothian's hard working families who would be hit the hardest under the local income tax.

In a further move, Jim Devine has attacked Charles Kennedy over the Liberal Democrats and SNP's persistent negativity and demoralising statements about St John's hospital. This has led to the chair of the health board writing to each candidate outlining the future of the local hospital.

Jim Devine said:

"The Liberals and the SNP are working together on damaging plans for a Local Income Tax. Charles Kennedy knows this would cost West Lothian families hundreds of pounds extra every year, and the Liberal Candidate has admitted so. I am totally opposed to the Liberal and SNP high tax plans and hundreds of pounds extra in charges. Charles Kennedy must come clean on how much extra a nurse and a fireman will pay under his plans."

On local health services, Jim Devine said:

"I am absolutely sickened by the duplicity of the SNP and the Liberals over the issue of St John's hospital. They have spent this whole campaign trying to invent fears over local services which have only served to demoralise staff and patients and undermine confidence in our NHS."

"I have devoted all of my working life to the NHS and will not stand by and watch local people get a poorer service. Labour are the party of more money for the NHS, more doctors, more nurses. The unholy alliance of the SNP and Liberals are determined to undermine the NHS and it is outrageous. I sincerely hope they get the punishment they deserve on Thursday and local people give a vote of confidence to the NHS, a vote for public services and a vote for Labour."

Scottish Labour Party

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Recycled Hartlepool leaflet turns up in Livingston

'DRUGS - Your Top Issue' is the story that Jim Devine carries on the front page of his election leaflet going into the last week of his election campaign.

The wording is strangely familiar. Substitute Jim Devine for Ian Wright and Livinigston for Hartlepool and you have Labour's new leaflet.

Full report from Stephen's Linlithgow Journal

Scottish Socialist Party leaflet





Sunday, September 25, 2005

Lib Dems Gaining on Labour

Labour chiefs have admitted that Liberal Democrat candidate Charles Dundas is gaining ground on Tony Blair's candidate.

Labour's Deputy Council leader, William Dunn had said the contest to be Livingston's new MP is between Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

At the General Election last May, Lib Dem Charles Dundas increased the local vote substantially.

Charles' determination to protect the local St. John's hospital as well as his campaign for better pensions and to scrap the unfair council tax has struck a chord with local voters in West Lothian. He is now the only serious challenger to Labour.

Charles said:

"Having been brought up and educated locally, it would be an honour to serve this part of West Lothian in Parliament."

The local by election is now a two horse race between the Liberal Democrats and Labour.

The SNP is facing by-election disaster. At the General Election, the SNP scored their worst result in Livingston for 18 years.

Many people are now seeing through the SNP's claim that they are the challengers to Labour. They have made similar claims in the past only to face a fall in their local vote.

The Nationalists now seem more interested in winning another by-election over in Glasgow.

Livingston Lib Dems

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Alliance for change - Press release


A Scottish preacher I know, an MI5 defector, once narrowly escaped prosecution for revelations he made about the Dunblane massacre. Recently he described the United Kingdom as a "one-party state". I call the present ruling brotherhood "the Lib Lab Con Trick". It's wrong that the public won't be allowed to read the Dunblane enquiry's report for the next 100 years or so. Please see the links on

My election leaflet tells of an encounter with the late Robin Cook MP, and an Iraqi amputee orphan. I am sorry my country helped to harm her so badly. Aren't you?

The Alliance For Change isn't a traditional political party. Candidates agree with a list of Core Policies that are patriotic, humane, sensible, compassionate, reforming, and human rights-centred. Candidates can also pursue additional policies, such as Equal Parenting, opposition to electromagnetic weapons, or the Make Poverty History agenda.

Five candidates in this by-election (not counting myself) stand virtually no chance of winning. Ironically, I believe that most of them would agree with the Alliance For Change's Core Policies. They want to fight, not to unite. They have chosen to fail to mend the UK's broken democracy, preferring futile competition, like Judean People's Front and the Popular Front of Judea.

Those who want UK-wide change shouldn't encourage the three English-based "main" parties, the SNP, or the in-fighting no-hopers. They should vote, not for me, but for the concept of The Alliance For Change that I represent. Change is what we need - badly.

Alliance for Change

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Constance reveals new admission figures

SNP candidate in the Livingston by-election, Angela Constance, has revealed new information in a letter from NHS Lothian to Fiona Hyslop MSP.

The letter shows that:
- In the last 10 months 1118 West Lothian patients have been admitted to the ERI for emergency surgery compared to 134 in the previous 12 months.
- In the last 12 months 425 West Lothian patients have been admitted to the ERI for emergency orthopaedics compared to 43 in the previous 12 months.

Ms Constance, who is meeting nurses from St John's hospital today, said:

These figures show the actual level of admissions to the ERI from West Lothian for services previously carried out at St John's. These services were cut from St. John's nearly a year ago and now, for the first time, we are getting a full picture of what the loss means for the people of Livingston and West Lothian.

Since emergency surgery and trauma orthopaedics were moved, more patients have been travelling from West Lothian to Edinburgh. That means patients and families face longer journeys.

The pressure on services at the ERI is significantly increased and it is beginning to show. People in Livingston would rather have these services closer to home. That is why the SNP is calling for a long-term viable future for St. John's as an acute hospital, including the return of emergency surgery and trauma orthopaedics at the earliest practical opportunity.

People can make a difference for St John's in this by-election and can send a powerful message to Labour locally and nationally that centralisation to Edinburgh is not on.

Livingston SNP website

SSP suspends campaigning in Livingston

SSP suspends campaigning in Livingston by election after sudden death.

The Scottish Socialist Party today announced that it has suspended campaigning for the immediate future in the Livingston by election following the sudden and tragic death of Bill Lebrun, election agent for the SSP candidate Steven Nimmo.

Scottish Socialist Party national convenor Colin Fox said today;
"This is a terrible loss for the family of Bill Lebrun and we would ask the media to respect the family's privacy at this difficult time.

"The SSP has suspended campaigning for the immediate future in the by election as a mark of respect to the family."

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Parties woo by-election voters

Hitting the campaign trail on Monday were Gordon Brown, Conservative leader Michael Howard and SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon.

Ahead of the chancellor's visit to Livingston, SNP leader Alex Salmond accused him of being "out of touch".

"On the streets of Livingston people have been asking why the chancellor has failed to do his part to limit the rapid rise in petrol and diesel costs," said Salmond.

"Gordon Brown is good at passing the buck, but now that retailers have acted, the focus is very firmly on him.

"People know Gordon Brown's taxes are responsible for two-thirds of the cost of fuel.

"Every penny increase in the price of fuel at the pumps gives the chancellor an extra £20m in VAT revenues. This money could and should be put back into the pockets of motorists with a cut in fuel duties."

But Brown defended the government's record, pointing to an increase in jobs and a decrease in long term unemployment.

He insisted that petrol prices are a world challenge which the government was seeking to deal with.

"We are pleased petrol prices fell over the weekend," added the chancellor.

"And we will continue to put our case, particularly on Friday at the IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington, for all the major countries of the world to agree on a common strategy."

Meanwhile, the Tory leader said that his party's by-election candidates were receiving a "very warm and positive" reaction from the public.

"I think our excellent candidates in both these by-elections provide the only real alternative to the Labour Lib-Dem coalition in Scotland for those who don't want Scotland to separate," said Howard.

"If you want Scotland to be part of the UK but you think it's heading in the wrong direction - and there are many things that show it is - the thing to do is vote Conservative next week."

'A new broom' for Livingston

In a recent election leaflet Labour's Jim Devine said that he wanted to "clean up our streets". Which many have taken as a frank admission that his Labour colleagues who run West Lothian Council have failed to deliver.

Local Liberal Democrat Charles Dundas and his team have today responded to this admission of failure by taking a set of new sweeping brooms along to the Labour campaign's headquarters so that Jim Devine can pass them on to his Labour colleagues in charge of the Council.

Livingston Liberal Democrats

Socialist Party statement

Brian Gardner is the candidate for the Socialist Party. We are standing to argue the case that Capitalism is past its sell-by date.

The world can now easily produce wealth sufficient to adequately house, feed, care for and educate the global population. Instead we see hunger, disease and homelessness around the world despite the concerns of governments, charities and popstars.

Closer to home, in a "developed" nation like the UK, we see child poverty and an increasing gulf between rich and poor. Rates of depression and anxiety are becoming epidemic.

Capitalism is failing: it now acts as a barrier, preventing production being geared to human need. Rather than keep trying to tinker with this system we should start looking beyond it to an alternative: a wageless, moneyless, classless world community based on production for human need, not profit.

This social change can only come about once the majority understand it and want it. It won't come about by following leaders or voting for someone else to do it. The face of our candidate is therefore a complete irrelevance. That's why we have no photo.

The other candidates contesting this election (whether openly pro-capitalist or avowedly socialist) are asking you to believe that they can run this society a little bit better. We’d argue that history shows that the money system actually ends up running them. Their pre-election promises usually amount to nothing.

So don’t vote for them - it only encourages the idea that capitalism can be made better. A vote for the Socialist Party in contrast, is a statement that you don’t want to live this way and that you think another world is possible.

If you have confidence that humans can live and work co-operatively without the pressure of the wages system, or the rationing system of money, then visit - and vote for the Socialist Party.

Liberal Democrat leaflet





Thanks to Stephen's Linlithgow Journal for this leaflet

Monday, September 19, 2005

"Vote for Jim Devine" - Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown gave a glowing tribute to Labour candidate Jim Devine, who he hopes will replace Cook as Livingston MP in the by-election on September 29.

Devine, a former psychiatric nurse who is now head of health for union Unison, was election agent to Cook for 22 years and was best man at his second wedding.

The Chancellor said: "The people of Livingston should vote for Jim Devine because of the issues he's talking about - the health service, education, public services, tackling child poverty and helping pensioners - are the concerns that I know from my own experience all of Scotland feels strongly about".

"Jim has campaigned on these issues for his whole life, particularly concerning St John's Hospital and the NHS."

"That's why we need someone local who knows what the challenges here are."

"It's even more important because he's succeeding someone who was a wonderful MP and one of his lifelong friends."

Sunday Mail

The Fight for St. John's

See what some of the candidates have to say on this local issue.

Liberal Democrats


Scottish Socialist Party

If any other candidates have a view on this issue - let us know and we will add them here.

Alliance for Change leaflet





A big thank you to John Allman for sending us this leaflet

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Connery turns on the cash

SIR Sean Connery has resumed his donations to the Scottish National party after a four-year gap.
The actor has donated a “four-figure sum” to help to bankroll the party’s by- election campaigns in Glasgow Cathcart and Livingston.

Connery suspended his donations to the party after Alex Salmond, a close friend, stepped down as party leader in 2000.

Connery was widely believed to have a poor opinion of John Swinney, Salmond’s successor, whose leadership style was often criticised for being lacklustre. Now, following Salmond’s return earlier this year, the party’s best-known donor has decided to reopen his wallet.

“We are very pleased that Sean has responded to the general financial appeal we issued to members for the by-elections. He’s always there when the party calls, putting his shoulder to the wheel,” said a senior SNP source.

The improved relationship between the SNP and its most famous backer could make a substantial difference to the party’s finances and electoral prospects. Party sources are optimistic that they will meet their £25,000 campaign target for the by-elections caused by the death of Robin Cook and Lord Watson’s conviction for fire-raising.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Scottish Socialist Party campaign statement

This forthcoming by-election offers us the chance to send out a strong message that the policies of Labour: of cutbacks in our local services, of low pay, of privatisation, of inequality and poverty and of war, are abhorrent and unacceptable.

It also offers the chance to vote for a party, the SSP, which unashamedly proposes to redistribute wealth from rich to poor. The SSP, unlike all the other main parties, urge an alternative to the free-market economy that results in one third of our pensioners and one quarter of our children living in poverty.

We don’t just talk of change. Our anger at the injustices that exist in the world energises us to fight for change.

This energy has seen the SSP at the forefront of local campaigns:

Against the cuts at St John’s (pushed through by a Labour appointed quango)

Against the very dangerous proposals to cut fire cover in Livingston: both of which will lead to fatalities!

We are also taking action in the Scottish Parliament to fight for:

Free Nutritious School Meals

Scrapping the unfair Council Tax and replacing it with a Scottish service tax aimed at making the rich pay their share

The abolition of prescription charges.

We have also campaigned against the Iraq war. A war, based on lies, that has saw death and destruction in Iraq, and made the world a more dangerous place.

Like our six MSPs, I reject the fatcat salary of an MP and pledge to be a worker’s MP on a worker’s wage.

Socialist Party statement on photos

" Brian Gardner is the candidate for the Socialist Party .

We are standing to argue the case that Capitalism is past its sell-by date , and can now be replaced by its alternative : a wageless , moneyless , classless world community based on production for human need , not profit . This change can only come about once the majority understand it and want it .

It won't come about by following leaders or voting for someone else to do it .

The birthplace , background , work history or face of our candidate is therefore a complete irrelevance .

That's why we have no photo. "

Friday, September 16, 2005

Ten by-election candidates nominated

Ten candidates have been nominated to contest the Livingston parliamentary constituency by-election on Thursday 29 September 2005.

Peter Adams (UKIP Scotland)
John William Allman (Alliance For Change – Britain in sin)
Melville Brown (Independent)
Angela Constance (Scottish National Party)
James Devine (Scottish Labour Party)
Charles Christopher Dundas (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
Brian Gardner (The Socialist Party of Great Britain)
Gordon John Lindhurst (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)
Steven Grant Nimmo (Scottish Socialist Party)
David George Robertson (Scottish Green Party)

(Note: no Dick Rodgers - (The Common Good))

The by-election has been caused by the recent death of former Livingston MP Robin Cook.

Votes cast in the by-election will be counted and declared at West Lothian College in Livingston on polling day.

General Election May 2005 result:
Robin Cook(Lab) 22,657
Angela Constance(SNP) 9,560
Charles Dundas(Lib Dem) 6,832)
Alison Ross(Con) 4,499
Steven Nimmo(Scottish Socialist) 789.

Majority 13,097. Percentage poll 58.5%.

More information about this by-election can be found at the West Lothian Council website

Socialist Party Leaflet



A big thank you to the Socialist Party for sending us this leaflet

Alliance For Change - Britain in sin candidate

John Allman - The Alliance For Change - Britain in sin

The best thing Livingston's voters can do for themselves and for Scotland is to send a clear message that they have woken up, and realised that the democracy of the whole UK is broken, and that
they have made up their minds that that it must be mended.

It's no use hoping that the SNP will form the next Westminster government, and set all of Britain's peoples free from the Lib Lab Con Trick, for whom politics has become almost a "friendly match". Nor can a new, traditional political party, founded by a
vain celebrity, obsessed with a single issue, or guided by an outdated ideology (such as Veritas, UKIP, Respect or even the Scottish Socialist Party), do the trick. We need a completely new approach.

The Alliance For Change isn't a political party! It's a political method, for empowering people who'd have a guilty conscience if they sold their souls to one of the old, corrupted parties. It enables such people to band together, offering a real alternative choice of government; a government made up of people who care.

Thursday, September 15, 2005



That's the issue in this election, says


On 29th September, you will have your occasional ration of democracy with the opportunity to vote for a member of
Parliament. It's all very well having a vote-but are you normally given any real choice?

If you want to vote for our party we're delighted. But we don't really want votes based on a misreading of what we are about. We are not promising to deliver socialism to you. We are not putting
ourselves forward as leaders. This new society can only be achieved if we join together to strive for it. If you want it, then it is something you have to bring about yourselves.

If you agree with this, you can show it by voting for Brian Gardner, THE SOCIALIST PARTY candidate for Livingston parliamentary constituency.


Socialist Party of Great Britain candidate

That's it , comrades , we have now had our nomination to stand in the Livingston election accepted . Brian Gardner will be the socialist candidate , the only socialist , the only real socialist , on the 29th of September .

Unfortunately , the authorities felt that name The Socialist Party on the ballot paper may possibly have led some of the electorate to confuse us with the Scottish Socialist Party . So ,alas , we will be standing as the Socialist Party of Great Britain , which will be the name on the ballot paper . Fortunately , however , our case for socialism can never be confused with the hodgepodge of promises to reform capitalism into some sort of humane state - controlled society that is the policy of the SSP .

real socialism blog


I'm Dick Rodgers a doctor and clergyman living in Northfield, Birmingham. I have registered a new political party called "The Common Good". We want people to live and work for the common good. We think this is a big part of the answer to a lot of the problems that Britain is struggling with at the moment.

Politics isn't just about politicians. The outcome for the country and the world is largely in the hands of ordinary people like you and me because our attitude is what makes things possible or not.

I believe in what I am doing. I have few resources but believe that there is a place for a new look at politics.

I have seen some remarkable things happen before. I was the man in the cage in St Martin's in 1986 who kept a 46 day fast with my hair shaved off for a Russian poetess called Irina. There was no sign that the Soviets would pay any attention but within six months she was released and a few more months later she was in Birmingham saying thank you to me and the Midlanders who helped campaign for her release. So watch this space.

... actually on second thoughts don't just watch it... join in and have the joy of seeing another miracle happen!. Be part of it. There is so much work to do out there in the world and people are dying because we can't get our act together.

And also we would be a lot happier as a nation if we had a job to do together that everybody could see was something to get passionate about and respect. You name it, transport, health, multi-cultural relations and criminal justice... everything will work better if, as a nation we are an eager team together trying to do a good job in the world.

There is nothing about our life together which would not be revolutionised by a vision like this and I want to go for it and I hope you'll come with me!

Who is "we"? well it is me and two friends who have helped me a lot who are retired head teachers. They have been great but we want lots of people to join us including, hopefully, you.

Contested Birmingham Northfield at the general election, the Hartlepool by-election in September 2004, and the West Midlands region in the 2002 European Parliament election.

Common Good Website

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Conservative way – to tackle crime

Tackling crime

Under Labour and the Lib Dems, crime in Scotland is at unacceptably high levels. High levels of crime are not inevitable – the current lack of respect for the law and other people, inadequate levels of policing and token punishments for criminals can be reversed. There is a way – a Conservative way – to tackle crime in this country.

Gordon Lindhurst feels there is much to be done: "We need to recruit an additional 1500 police officers across Scotland, dedicated to community policing – a visible police presence on our streets to deter and detect crime.

"We need to improve accountability to ensure that people have the sort of policing that they demand, deserve and pay for through their taxes. That is why we believe in directly-elected police board conveners to give local people a greater say in how their community is policed.

"And Scottish Conservatives want to end the scandal of automatic early release, where criminals get out of jail after serving only half their sentence. If this requires more prisons, then so be it. The protection of the public is the first and paramount duty of any government."

SSP open campaign headquarters

The Scottish Socialist Party opened its campaign headquarters in Craigshill Mall on Friday.

Steven Nimmo, SSP candidate in the Livingston by-election, said:

“The people of Craigshill have shown us their support in past elections so it is a natural place for us to pick for our election office.”

“This is the first time we’ve had an election office in West Lothian and already we’ve had people come in to discuss our proposals to scrap the council tax and to introduce free school meals as well our opposition to the cuts in the fire service.”

“We have a long term commitment to building the SSP into a party that represents the ordinary people of West Lothian and anyone who wants to speak to us about this election or any other matter even if it doesn’t relate to the election can find us there between 10am and 4pm each day.”

The SSP election HQ is situated in Craigshill Shopping Mall.

Lib Dems start by-election attack

Liberal Democrats launched their Livingston by-election campaign with a claim that they are the only party seriously challenging Labour.

But the SNP insisted the battle was a two-horse race between Labour and themselves.

The Lib Dems came third in the constituency in the May general election but said that support for the SNP was drifting away.

Livingston - Referendum on EU membership

The United Kingdom Independence Party has announced it will target the Livingston seat, previously held by the late Robin Cook, as the starting point for its national campaign to win a referendum on Britain's continuing membership of the European Union.

UKIP leader Roger Knapman said Tony Blair had twice promised the British people a referendum on this issue but had gone back on that promise.

He said: "People in Livingston will be given petition forms and access to a national website as a move to win the two million signatures that we need to force Mr Blair to make good his promise."

Greens Livingston leaflet



Former Tory to stand as Independent

A FORMER Tory candidate who quit after criticising the party hierarchy is to stand as an independent in the Livingston by- election.

Mev Brown, who fought Edinburgh East for the Conservatives at the general election earlier this year, says he will be campaigning on a series of innovative policies, including using ethanol to fuel cars. He said: "To address the fuel crisis I would introduce a Private Member's Bill to create a new nationalised industry to invest in and facilitate the production of ethanol.

"The simple fact is the majority of cars and trucks in this country can run on a mix of up to 85 per cent ethanol and petrol - E85.

"Brazil has been using ethanol since the 1970s and requires an absolute minimum of 25 per cent ethanol in fuel, but because of the benefits in price, many run on E85. Indeed, Japan is now turning to ethanol and bio-diesel in order to meet its goal for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases under the Kyoto protocol."

Mev Brown, 44, who stood in Edinburgh East, resigned his membership after writing an article in The Scotsman criticising party policy; he hoped it would provoke a debate, but it elicited not even a comment from the party hierarchy.
"I despair of them," he said, adding: "I am concerned that the Conservatives and common sense have parted company."

He went on: "I fully expected to be kicked off the candidates' list. At the very least, I expected a phone call from central office, but there was nothing."

Mr Brown pointed out that Howard Flight, a Tory candidate and shadow minister in England, had been sacked as a candidate after questioning party policy before the election, but he had not even had a call from the leadership to ask him about his article.
"Any organisation needs leadership and discipline, and the Tories have neither," he said. But he stressed he was not planning to join any other party.

Mr Brown believes the Tories did not come up with policies which people could relate to, but his attempt to influence policy-making has been met with a wall of silence.

He said some Tory candidates must be married to, or in the same family, as police officers health workers and teachers but, if they were, their views had not been reflected in party policy. "Where is the professional input in policy? There has been none," he said.

Monday, September 12, 2005

More from the Greens

About Your Green Candidate

David was a teacher and youth leader before retraining in Environmental Management. Since then he has managed a lottery funded project to promote local economic development through community action and has written plans for sustainable local business. He has served on the SCVO Policy Committee and Credit Union Board and is currently National Alliance Coordinator for health charity ASH Scotland.

David will work to:

take the Green message about a need to avert climate disaster to the heart of government;
replace UK troops in Iraq with a UN peace keeping force, and ensure non-violent solutions to future conflicts;
help community and cooperatively owned businesses and banks, by reforming tax and regulatory barriers to success;
help farmers produce wholesome food for local people;
introduce a universal Citizen’s Income to help pensioners and those on low income.

David says:
“Hurricane Katrina has shown the sort of disruption future climate change could cause. The knock-on effect on oil prices and the world economy shows just how insecure we have become in the face of nature. We need to act NOW on climate change.

“The people of Livingston can make a huge impact on our level of preparedness by voting a green voice into Westminster. I will dedicate myself to promoting both environmentally sound and positive, life-enhancing solutions.”

Sunday, September 11, 2005

SNP claims 'Labour are on the run'

SNP leader Alex Salmond has claimed Labour is "on the run" as the nationalists hit the campaign trail ahead of the Livingston and Cathcart by-elections.

Mr Salmond and his deputy Nicola Sturgeon claimed the SNP were the only real opposition to Labour in the two constituencies.

The Livingston by-election was triggered by the death of Robin Cook while the seat for Glasgow Cathcart became vacant following the decision of fire-raising Labour peer and MSP Mike Watson to stand down.

Mr Salmond has criticised the decision to hold the two by-elections on the same date, Thursday September 29.

Mr Salmond, who accompanied Livingston's SNP hope Angela Constance, said: "Labour is on the run and its support is crumbling as people switch from Labour to the SNP.

"They know that a vote for the SNP will make a difference."

Mr Salmond claimed Labour's candidate, Mr Cook's former election agent Jim Devine, was "gaffe prone", adding: "There has been no sign of Jim Devine in recent days and his campaign is in trouble."

"His silence is now deafening."


Livingston SSP Blog site

Vote Steven Nimmo

The SSP candidate in Livingston has started a Blog to cover his campaign during the by-election.

Steven said:

“I am honoured to be selected to represent the SSP in this election. This by election gives the people of Livingston the chance to pass judgement on the Blair government over issues such as Iraq as well as highlighting many local issues without the (false) threat of the Tories getting in (which ones you might well ask!).”

“We’ll be campaigning on local issues in Livingston, we have a public meeting in Craigshill on Wednesday (7th Sept) over the issue of cuts in fire cover at Livingston fire station and this will certainly be an issue at the forefront of our work. The stalls we have already held on the issue have shown the public outrage at these cuts. There is, of course, the ongoing threat of further cuts to hospital services at St. John’s as well as our opposition to the new private prison in Addiewell.”

“Another string to our bow will be the war in Iraq – the SSP is the only party that has consistently opposed the war in Iraq and calls for the troops to be brought home now. A vote for the SSP in this election is vote against the Iraq war and is a vote against the lies of Tony Blair.”

“Our campaign will also centre around our proposals which will affect the people of Livingston’s lives on a day to day basis. Throughout the campaign I aim to bring into focus our flagship policies of scrapping the council tax, abolishing prescription charges and for the introduction of free nutritious school meals. With these things in mind I’m asking the people of Livingston, not just to vote against Blair and his lies but to vote for the kind of society they want to live in. I believe that most people agree with us on the need for wealth redistribution and a fairer society and ask them to send that message to Tony Blair, Jack McConnell and Alex Salmond.”

Vote SNP for lower fuel tax

Are you browned off by high fuel prices?

Describing a vote for the SNP as a vote for lower fuel taxes SNP candidate Angela Constance has slammed the Chancellor for allowing fuel costs to spiral, threatening local jobs.

SNP candidate in the Livingston by-election, Angela Constance, and SNP MP for Moray, Angus Robertson have today called for voters in Livingston to let Labour and the Chancellor know that they are "browned off by high fuel prices".

Launching the SNP's latest campaign leaflet ­ in the form of a postcard to the Chancellor calling for lower fuel bills ­ Ms Constance said:

"The high price of fuel is going to be a major issue in this by-election and the SNP is giving the people of Livingston the chance to make a difference and tell the Chancellor and the Labour Party that they are browned off by the high cost of petrol and diesel at the pumps.

"Since May there has been an increase of 9p a litre in the price of fuel, at an average cost to local motorists of almost £10 a month. With the very real prospect of petrol and diesel breaking through the £1 a litre mark, motorists in this area will be facing even higher bills, leaving them with less to spend in local shops and businesses.

"While motorists and hauliers feel the pinch, every penny rise in the cost of fuel at the pumps means that the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, rakes in £20 million in extra VAT. This is money that could and should go back into people's pockets and be used to cut fuel duties."

Angus Robertson added:

"The Chancellor was recently pressurised into announcing a freeze on fuel duties but this move is not enough in the face of these record pump prices ­ especially with fuel prices in this area above the UK average.

"With the by-election only a few weeks away, we have an opportunity to send a powerful message to Gordon Brown and the Labour government.

"A vote for the SNP is a vote for lower fuel taxes, and with the eyes of the country on Livingston, this is one message we can send loud and clear on polling day."

The postcard to the Chancellor reads:

"Dear Chancellor, we are paying too much for petrol and diesel at the pumps..

"You take as much as two-thirds of the price of petrol and diesel in tax and have the power to cut our fuel bills.

"Each 1p rise in the pump price gives you an extra £20 million in VAT. I think this money should be put back into our pockets through a cut in fuel duties.

"If the Labour government won't help the motorists of this country, then why should we support you? "


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Livingston UKIP Candidate

Peter Adams
UK Independence Party

A former army officer has been selected as the UK Independence Party candidate to fight the Livingston by-election on September 29th.

Peter Adams served all over the world in a 35 year career in the Royal Engineers. Mr Adams, who is 57, was commissioned from the ranks and ended his career as a Captain.

Since leaving the army, he has also acted as the administration officer for the Territorial Army in Livingston. Mr Adams, who comes from Kirkcaldy, says he intends to fight the election on a "mixture of European policies and local issues", but as a former army officer he will also be concentrating on the campaign to save the Scottish regiments.

Mr Adams currently works for the Royal Institute for the Blind in Scotland.

A high vote for Peter Adams will send the politicians this message

Save £30m a day by withdrawing from the EU

Raise the basic pension by £25 a week

Save the Scottish Regiments

End the EU bar on new orders for the Clyde shipyards

Take the handcuffs off the police and put them on the criminals

Cut council tax by half

Extend democracy by holding referendums on major policy issues

Oppose Identity cards

Take back Scottish control of our farming and fisheries, from the EU

Improve basic services, reduce bureaucracy and over-regulation

Livingston SSP Candidate

Steven Nimmo
Scottish Socialist Party

The Scottish Socialist Party has selected it’s candidate for the forthcoming Livingston by election following the death of the local MP Robin Cook.

Steven Nimmo is 27 and is currently Regional Organiser for the Scottish Socialist Party in the Lothians.
Steven has lived in West Lothian all his life, brought up in Torphichen he went to the local primary school then went to Bathgate Academy.
Steven left school at 16 to pursue his love of the countryside at Borders College where he studied gamekeeping and habitat management.

Steven has previously worked for Grampian Country Foods where he helped recruit new members to the Transport and General Workers Union and more recently worked in the laundry at St. John’s hospital.
At St. John’s Steven was a Unison shop steward where he actively fought against the use of agency staff in the NHS and also fought to change Unison, at St. John’s with the first election of a shop steward in the laundry for fifteen years taking place.

Steven was active in attempting to unionise workplaces across West Lothian, including Motorola, the closure of which was one of the first campaigns he was involved in.
In 2002 Steven was at the forefront of organising the campaign against West Lothian Council’s inflation busting £5 per week rent rise. As part of this campaign he organised and spoke at public meetings across West Lothian culminating in a Rally in Bathgate of over 300 people.

More recently Steven has been involved in campaigns against the proposed private prison in Addiewell, cuts at St. John’s hospital and cuts in the Fire service locally.

Steven said today;
“It is an honour to be chosen by the SSP to fight the Livingston by election.
“The SSP will be taking our message of an independent socialist Scotland, defence of the NHS, opposition to cuts in public services and opposition to the Iraq war to the people of Livingston and looking to build on the support we have in the constituency.”

Scottish Socialist Party national convenor Colin Fox added;
“Steven will make a great candidate for the SSP in the Livingston by election, he is a real antidote to the establishment politicians that the public have become so cynical about.
“Steven has a great track record fighting for the people of West Lothian, particularly in relation to St Johns hospital.”

Livingston Green Candidate

David Robertson
Scottish Green Party

Starting working life as a Biology Teacher, David returned to study and gained an MSc in Environmental Management in 1997 before administering a local exchange trading project financed by the Community Fund over a period of three years.

David, 46, is now National Alliance Coordinator with health charity Action on Smoking and Health Scotland (ASH Scotland), his principal role is as coordinator of the Scottish Tobacco Control Alliance. David has excellent communication, negotiation and organisational skills; vital in helping to make the most of the talent of staff and resources of charities and healthcare organisations across Scotland. He is a strong advocate of sustainable local business development and has experience of social business and credit union administration.

He is married to Morag, a Primary School Teacher and they have two daughters, one at secondary school the other at university. The family lives in Larbert.

Livingston Labour Candidate

Jim Devine

Born 1953, with two grown up children. Currently Head of Health, Scotland, UNISON. Election agent in Livingston since 1983.

Previously member of Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley, Alva Community Council, Unison full time officer for ten years, founder member of the Celtic Supporters Trust and organised the first Football Supporters' Trust Conference in Scotland.

Fomerly qualified nurse in West Lothian as part of the first primary care psychiatric team.

He was best man when Mr Cook married his second wife, Gaynor.

Jim Devine has held several key positions in the Labour Party in Scotland including General Secretary during the Clause 4 debate ten years ago. He won the Labour nomination with 72 votes compared to 35 for John Duncan and 12 votes for Cllr Wilie Dunn.

After being nominated as the Labour candidate, Mr Devine confessed to a number of affairs and a drink driving conviction.

Livingston Conservative Candidate

Conservative party last night announced its candidate for the by-election triggered by the death of Robin Cook, former foreign secretary.

Gordon Lindhurst is 38 years old, single and lives in West Lothian. He studied Scots Law at Edinburgh University and undertook further legal studies, including European law, at Glasgow and Heidelberg universities.

He works as an advocate and is a former teacher of English in Germany. His interests include cabinet making, metalworking, voluntary work, hillwalking and cycling.

He contested Linlithgow in the 1999 & 2003 Scottish Parliament elections and the 2001 Westminster election.

Livingston SLD Candidate

Charles Dundas
Scottish Liberal Democrat

Date of Birth: 19th July 1978

Family: Married


Whitburn Academy

University of Glasgow - MA (Hons) History 2001


General Accountant, National Australia Group 2001-2

Parliamentary Assistant to Iain Smith MSP 2002-

Political Career:

Council Candidate 1999

General Election Candidate - Glasgow Baillieston 2001

Council By-election Candidate - Glasgow City 2002

Glasgow City Council Candidate 2003

Scottish Election Candidate - Glasgow Springburn 2003

Membership Secretary, North East Fife LP 2004-

General Election Candidate - Livingston 2005.

By Election Candidate - Livingston 2005


SYLD Executive 1997-2001

President, Glasgow University Liberal Democrats 1998-9

Vice President (University Affairs) of GU Students' Representative Council 1998-9

Other Interests: Genealogy, local history, debating, cinema, literature, computers

SLD Campaign Website

SNP launches by-election campaign

The SNP today launched its campaign to win the Livingston by-election. Angela Constance outlined a mixture of local and national issues on which people could make a difference by voting SNP.

Angela Constance added:

"This is a by-election that no-one wanted. It is an election that will be fought on important local and national issues, as people get the chance to express their anger and disappointment over the threats to local services and the failures of the Labour government and Tony Blair.

"The election is a clear two-horse race between Labour and the SNP. Already on the doorsteps we are picking up a large number of people who say they are switching their support from Labour to the Scottish National Party.

"People are concerned about the future of St John¹s, they are worried by the threat to night-time fire cover and they tell me that they have lost trust in Tony Blair and the Labour Party over Iraq and other issues. But by voting SNP they can make a difference.

"Together we can secure the future of St John¹s, reverse the proposed cuts in fire cover and ensure that Tony Blair wakes up on the last day of the Labour Party conference with a huge electoral hangover."

SNP Leader Alex Salmond said:

"Angela has a great chance of beating Labour in this election. She knows the constituency and the issues and she will be a powerful voice for Livingston..

She is a hard working and effective local councillor who will serve the people of this area well.

"SNP by-election victories always move Scotland forward. That¹s what happened in Hamilton and in Govan. An SNP win in Livingston will have just as big an impact, moving Scotland towards Independence.

"A vote for the SNP is a vote to secure the future of St John¹s and to reverse the proposed cuts in night-time fire cover. It is a chance to put Scotland and Livingston political centre stage and to remind Tony Blair and the Labour government of their many failings.

"When the SNP wins, Livingston and Scotland will win. Only a vote for the SNP will make a difference."

SNP Campaign Website

Livingston SNP Candidate

Angela Constance

Angela is the SNP councillor for the Carmondean ward in Livingston. She was re-elected for the third time in 2003 with an increased majority, having first won the seat in a local by-election.

She was SNP candidate in Livingston for the 2005 general election with a swing to the SNP from Labour of 1.2%.

She is the SNP Group's spokesperson for children services and lifelong learning on West Lothian Council.

She was born in Blackburn and raised in Addiewell and West Calder. She attended local schools and completed her education at the Universities of Glasgow and Stirling.

Angela is 34 years old and is currently employed as a Mental Health worker. She lives in West Lothian with her husband.

Livingston candidates announced

The candidates contesting the Scottish seat of Livingston at the by-election later this month have been announced.

Former Labour foreign secretary Robin Cook held the seat for 22 years until his early death last month prompted the calling of a by-election on September 29th.

His former election agent and friend, Jim Devine, will defend Labour's 13,000 majority in the first such poll since the general election in May.

"No one wanted to be fighting this by election, least of all me. We would all rather that Robin was still here to represent the people of West Lothian as well as he did for two decades," Mr Devine said.

The Scottish National party, who came second at the last election with 21.5 per cent of the vote, are again fielding local councillor Angela Constance.

Charles Dundas, deputy leader Sir Menzies Campbell's agent, has been reselected to stand for the Scottish Liberal Democrats, who last time took 15.5 per cent of the vote.

And last night the Scottish Conservatives, who got just over ten per cent of the vote in May, announced West Lothian advocate Gordon Lindhurst would be standing as their candidate.

The Scottish Greens have selected David Robertson for what will be the first time they have stood in Livingston in a Westminster election.

Former army officer Peter Adams will represent the UK Independence party, while the Scottish Socialist party has chosen Steven Nimmo as their candidate.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Jim Devine Speech

On the side of the people of West Lothian
Monday 5 September 2005

Check against delivery

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to Blackburn.

As you may know this is my home town. I was born and raised here, I went to school here and I worked here, in the health centre just over the road.

I also received my political education here. I've fought elections in this constituency for many years.

No one wanted to be fighting this by election, least of all me. We would all rather that Robin was still here to represent the people of West Lothian as well as he did for two decades.

Robin's priority was West Lothian. And because that was his priority, he knew that what people here needed was a Labour Government and a strong Labour voice locally.

It was Robin's devotion to West Lothian that saw him work for a stronger local economy, with record investment in health and education, a minimum wage and the working families tax credit. Robin was proud not only to stand on the Labour ticket in 2005, but to work throughout Britain for the return of a Labour Government.

And during my political life Blackburn and the whole of West Lothian have changed.

When I worked in the health centre I saw people being prescribed anti depressants and valium – if they could have been prescribed a job they wouldn't have needed to see a doctor in the first place.

Perhaps we should remember that we were told there was no alternative, that unemployment was a price worth paying, that if it wasn't hurting, it wasn't working. And now, here in this constituency, under Labour, employment has never been higher.

Working class people across this constituency are benefiting from Labour's policies in many other ways too. For example, the introduction of the minimum wage made a real difference to the lives of many people here. And yet instead of standing up for Scotland during the crucial debate, the nationalists went to bed while Scottish Labour MPs delivered that minimum wage.

And where Labour is doing more for hard working families, the Liberals and the Nationalists want to punish them with a massive tax rise. Under the Liberals' Local Income Tax plan a Ward Sister and a Fireman living together would see their tax bill rise by two hundred and thirteen pounds and that same couple would be four hundred pounds worse off each year under the Nationalists.

These are not the priorities of the hard working families of West Lothian – more tax and lower pay.

If I am elected I will share the priorities of the people of West Lothian:

More and better jobs as we move the whole country towards full employment.

More opportunities for hard working families

Dignity and security for pensioners

Better public services

I want to work with a Labour Government in Westminster; working in partnership with a Labour led Scottish Executive and a Labour run local council, delivering the priorities of the people of this constituency.

Robin had a long future in Parliament ahead of him; No one doubts he would eventually have been back in Government; One day he wanted to be the father of the House. But his greatest ambition was to work hard and be on the side of the people of West Lothian. That's an ambition I share.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Kennedy Begins 'Sensitive' Campaign

Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy today became the first party leader to campaign in Livingston ahead of a by-election triggered by the death of Robin Cook. He joined candidate Charles Dundas greeting shoppers in Livingston.

In a town still shocked by the murder of 11-year-old schoolboy Rory Blackhall, the campaigning was deliberately pitched low key.

Mr Kennedy said: "We are acutely conscious of, and share the sensitivities involved. It would not be correct in the current circumstances to be overplaying partisan politics against that kind of backdrop."